soubor anglicky/pokyny-pro-autory.html Requirements for written contributions - Kovárenství

Požadavky na rukopis příspěvků určených pro zveřejnění v časopise kovárenství

Requirements for written contributions intended to be printed in „Kovárenství“

Main articles

  • Title in English language
  • Author (authors) names including academic degrees, work places and contacts (e.g. e-mail)
  • Abstracts (English)
  • Key words (English)
  • Text:
    number the chapters 1. Introduction …
    subheads 2.1 …
  • Language – The text can be written in Czech, Slovak, English or bilingual.
  • Tables and Figures numbered with Arabic numerals.
    Each table must be headed above the table;
    there must be text under each figure.
  • Bibliography – citation according to ISO
  • Photo of an author – enclose photo of 1st author.
  • The extent is not strictly limited, it is recommended to have 7 – 15 standardized pages (a standardized page = 1800 signs).

Main articles are reviewed by two reviewers. Publishing will require coping with their comments.

Informing articles, reports, profiles etc.

  • Long texts should be divided into parts with separate titles.
  • It is possible to put in tables, figures and photos. They must be numbered as well as in main articles. • It is imperative that you state the sources of your information.
  • Signatures - longer reports (over 1 standardized page) sign with full name, shorter reports can be signed with cipher.
  • The extent is not strictly limited, it is recommended up to 6 standardized pages.

Common instructions

All must be delivered in electronic form.

Pictures could be delivered on papers, in that case they will be scanned, which can result in inferior printing quality.

Text can be written in one type size (12), the editor arranges the unified layout.

All the photos must have density of 300 dpi minimally, it is better to enclose them in JPG form or alike, i.e. to enclose them as a separate file. All should be sent to E-mail: or

česky | english


ISSN 1213-9289


Technologická 373/4
708 00 Ostrava